Ritz Cracker Ladybug Bites
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Ritz Cracker Ladybug Bites

Ritz Cracker Ladybug Bites; The perfect appetizer for brunches or teas.

This appetizer is perfect for entertaining guests or adding a fun twist to any party.  These bite-sized treats are super easy to prepare. The snack flavor combines the buttery aftertaste of Ritz crackers with the fresh taste of cherry tomatoes, olives and soft cheese. 

For the base of the dish, you'll need a crispy Ritz cracker. You can go for plain classic saltine crackers or the flavored herb varieties. You can use any cheese - delicate feta, mozzarella or hard cheese with a fat content of at least 50%. Fresh cherry tomatoes and olives are laid out in the form of charming ladybugs, adding visual appeal and juicy flavor to the dish.

Ingredients For Ritz Cracker Ladybug Bites

6 servings

12 saltine crackers

6 slices of 50% fat cheese

10-12 olives

6 cocktail tomatoes,

1 tsp. black sesame seeds

1 tsp. balsamic sauce


1/4 cucumber

Instructions for your Ritz Cracker Ladybug Bites

1. The assembly process is simple and enjoyable, making it a great activity to get kids or guests involved in the kitchen. Start by cutting out the cheese. Use a cookie cutter with a diameter equal to the diameter of the crackers. You can use matching shot glasses for the punching. You will need 12 circles of cheese.

2. Lay out the cracker, mark the cheese on top. Cover the cheese with the cracker and again with cheese. The base is ready.

3. Place a mint leaf on top of the cheese. Then cut the cherry tomatoes in half to form the body of the ladybug. Place one tomato half at a time on the base. 

4. For the ladybug head, cut black olives into 4 pieces and arrange them on top of the tomato halves. Use thin strips of olives to create stripes on the ladybug's back, adding detail to each piece. Spread the balsamic sauce in spots and lay out the black sesame seeds on the back.

5. Cut thin strips from the cucumber skins. To complete the look, add them or chives as tendrils, giving the ladybugs a charming and realistic look. Cut the remaining cucumber into slices and use to serve.

Arrange mint leaves, cucumber slices and ladybugs on a plate. Sprinkle the dish with black sesame seeds and serve.

These Ritz Cracker Ladybug Bites are a delicious explosion of flavors and textures. The combination of crunchy crackers, cheese, juicy tomatoes and tangy olives creates a perfect balance that will leave your guests indifferent.

The dish is best not stored, the tomatoes lose their juiciness and the crackers become soft.

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